Basketball Meet and Greet is Friday June 23 from 5pm-8pm
Basketball Camp is Sat. June 24 from 8am-5pm
"Ages 4-18"
Ways to Sponsor
1-Select Sponsor level and press "Add to Cart"
2-Download Flyer and select level and mail to the address on the flyer
3-Contact Ronald Hausley: 828-803-2009
If interested in Advertising
Call Ronald Hausley at: 828-803-2009
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Basketball Camp
Ages 4-18
Saturday June 24

Please download the form
Basketball Meet and Greet
Friday June 23
Please download the Camp Day form
Basketball Camp
Saturday June 24

2016 The Coach Tate Foundation put a great camp on at Wingate University with Professional basketball players and All-Americans. The camp was not only fun but the kids learned skills, fitness, nutrition, mentoring, awards, and even played a competitive game.